Start creating amazing cinematic films that look stunning. FAST!
With SpectrumGrades you can easily achieve stunning looking films with precision cine color grades, clean-up digital video artefacts & dramatically enhance your camera’s footage.
At SpectrumGrades our goal is to create powerful tools to produce beautiful visuals, so you can easily achieve a distinctive High level filmic look for your films.

What does it do?
When filming with our recommended settings in combination with one of our collections sets, you will get the highest quality results from your footage.
This is done by technically calibrated image correction, balancing the dynamic range, recovering highlights & corrective warping colors to give you deep blue skies, defined clouds, beautiful water & foliage tones.
This is achieved in addition to giving a sophisticated refined color profile and film style to your footage.

Premium software for future proof results
With our products comes powerful easy to use tools to achieve stunning cinematic looks for your films. Designed for a user friendly workflow for high level professional filmic results.
It's an eco-system which requires the user friendly elements that work together to easily and quickly create amazing films from your cameras footage.

How to use it?
Its extremely easy, our tools are designed to work as seamlessly as possible with your footage & editing software. Simply load the desired look onto your footage & get instant results.
You can also refine your final look with basic tools such as brightness, saturation & contrast.
Compatible with most editing software such as Premiere, After Effects, Davinci, Vegas & Final Cut Pro X